
For a new Anarchist Center in Lisbon!

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Three collectives that belong to the history of Portuguese anarchism – Centro de Cultura Libertária, BOESG (library) and A Batalha (newspaper) – got together to buy a new Anarchist Center in the Lisbon region: a common space, open to old and new collectives, that will rid us, once and for all, of the pressure brought about by gentrification and real estate. The new Anarchist Center will be a social center but will also host the relevant archives and libraries of the three collectives. In the coming months, we will be hosting a massive fundraising campaign, and we are asking for the contribution of all persons and collectives solidary to the anarchist cause.

Support revolutionary media struggling inside Russia

Autonomous Action in Tyumen of Siberian back in the better days

Autonomous Action is an organisation of anarchists and libertarian communists, founded in year 2002. Our goal is to create basis for a new culture, based on self-organisation, radical resistance against capitalism, fascism, militarism, sexism, homophobia and any other forms of discrimination. We are currently working to restore libertarian and anarchist movement in Russia, after a period of stagnation and repressions. We reach for this goal by establishing libertarian media, organizing online and offline discussions, participation to protest movements and supporting them via spreading information.

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