
Between Collapse & Persistence

Graphic design: Juan Pablo Estrada

From Tierra Nueva, Spanish to English translation by Anarchist News

5th Libertarian Spring Gathering in Havana

On the last weekend of May, our small group of friends, which gives intermittent life to the Alfredo López Libertarian Workshop and the ABRA Social Center with our friendship, held the 5th Libertarian Spring Gathering in the middle of a city that is enduring a chronic collapse...

Deschooling: Unlearning to Learn

from CrimethInc.

From Education to Liberation

As students prepare to return to an increasingly dystopian learning environment, it’s a good time to revisit our assumptions about education itself. What is the purpose of our educational institutions? How deeply do the premises of those institutions shape the ways that we approach learning, even in our “free time”? How else might we go about developing and exploring our capacities?

Solecast: Fire Ant on Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity & Homesteading

Solecast: Fire Ant on Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity & Homesteading

From The Solecast

In this episode of the Solecast I chat w Rob Cat of Fire Ant.  Fire Ant is a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in so called Maine.  Fire Ant seeks to spread the words & work of anarchist prisoners, highlight their plights and help them get the material support they need.    Rob & Bria are also homesteaders and we talk about their experience of being self reliant with food production and working with mutual aid networks like the Victory Gardens Project to their ongoing efforts to provide free food to comrades, friends and neighbors.

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