
Granice człowieczeństwa (Borders of humanity)


From no.borders.team

The film was made in the first year of events on the Polish-Belarusian border, when the eastern corridor leading to the EU countries from Belarus and Russia was opened on a large scale. In the movie people from an anarchist collective, the No Border Team, active at the polish-belarusian and polish-ukrainian border will talk about the current situation, state racism, their struggles and support.

Call on all anarcho-syndicalist organizations to close all camps

via International Confederation of Labor (ICL/CIT)

We will celebrate the most beautiful feast on the ruins of the 21st century’s greatest hell

We call on all anarcho-syndicalist organizations in Europe and around the world to join the struggle to close all camps and so-called reception centers. Inform the workers in your country about this modern-day crime against humanity and organize events and demonstrations. Let us begin discussions about coordinating a global day of action against the camps. Let us fight against wars and racism until we shut down every last on of these hells. For a new world of freedom, equality and solidarity! The boat is not full! Shut down all camps!

Bye-Bye Moria

received via email

When a prison burns down, those of us who have experienced, even for a moment, the condition of imprisonment, can only shudder with delight.

Regardless of whether a new one will be built after its demolition, and regardless of whether the empty cells will be refilled after the escape of some prisoners, the fact of the escape can only fill us with joy. After all, the struggle for the abolition of every prison, goes through the struggle for individual and social liberation, right here and now.

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