
Preparing for Electoral Unrest and a Right-Wing Power Grab

from CrimethInc.

In the following analysis, Peter Gelderloos explores the motivations and capabilities of the various factions that are likely to participate in the forthcoming conflict over the outcome of the 2020 election—describes how this figures in right-wing efforts to establish a revamped white supremacy in the context of the existing democratic system—and reviews what we can hope to accomplish by resisting.

Reconciliation is Dead: A Strategic Proposal

Reconciliation is Dead: A Strategic Proposal

From North Shore Counter Info

This text speaks of a change in strategy in this moment of resistance, calling to widen the scope of revolt. While the main audience is other native people, the author urges settlers to read it and take away the main lessons as well. It is available here as a print-ready PDF. Print and distribute widely. Get this in the hands of as many native folks as possible.

Group & Guerilla Anarchism

Group & Guerilla Anarchism

From Anarchist Fighter

Innate to Anarchism practice is the practice of guerrilla struggle. Anarchism as an ideology and practice is one of asymmetric warfare - this means struggle that does not play the game of the oppressors such as the state or the capitalists. It seeks to undermine those forces through propaganda and action, to trigger an insurrectionary process that sweeps away the old world, for the new one built on federalism, mutual aid and solidarity.

TOTW: Fear and Decision on New Year’s Eve

oh shite, they spotted us

The date is December 31st of 2019: Governed subjects everywhere are the target of fear from state terror, channeled into obedience and acquiescence by the chilling effect of repression. Blackmailed into compliance by the economy, their subsistence on the line. Looming deadlines summon waves of dread which plummet like lead in your gut. Panic triggered by cyclic crisis flows through your nerves like strychnine.

Generalized anxiety has been called the dominant affect of our era. We all seek shelter in delusions of Safety and Security, in denial of the fact that we'll die anyways, so we should enjoy doing what we want. Everything that we want in life is on the other side of that fear, and the only path is through it.


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