TOTW: Gardens, part II

Here in this part of the world, spring has almost arrived. Outside, the sun is hiding behind some clouds as it has for most of the winter and the snow on the ground continues to accumulate. This week we’re digging up the earth to talk about growing plants and hear about your upcoming plans or how the garden was over the year.

Webinar Announcement: Organized Anarchism Series #3 – Federación Anarquista Rosario

From Black Rose Anarchist Federation

Join us for the third installment in our Organized Anarchism Series, this time with Federación Anarquista Rosario (FAR) or Anarchist Federation of Rosario.

In Tension Issue 2 Out Now!

Bloomington, Indiana's own anarchist agitation is back with a second issue, featuring: an "Oath of Refusal," "We Choose to Live," "Moving Beyond Fares," "How to Wheatpaste," a profile on local rent-a-cops, an exploration of barricades, a profile on the local naval base, an explanation of direct action, a reportback from an anarchist fight night, a music review and a poem!

French Tesla Dealership Torched in Proclaimed 'Offensive'

From The Latin Times

"Welcome Spring, burn a Tesla," the group wrote.

An anarchist group in southwestern France is claiming responsibility for setting a Tesla dealership ablaze Sunday night.

The fire destroyed eight vehicles and severely damaged four others, with estimated losses exceeding €700,000—or roughly $740,000, French outlet Numerama reported.

SENKA – Community, Not Nation!

From An Anarchist Called Mutt.

A Pamphlet from the radical anti-national tendency, the capitalized letters of the Serbo-Croat version of the sentence “Self-management is the essence of our communism/anarchy” (Samouprava je Esencija Naleg Komunizma/ Anarhije) form the word SENKA, which is the name of the collective that signs this text, and is the Serbo-Croatian word for “shadow.’

"Today, March 8th"

From Return Fire via theanarchistlibrary by Mónica Caballero Sepulveda, Mawünhko, Itamar Diaz

[ed. – Written in 2023, re-translated and annotated. For more on the intertwined nature of Mapuche struggle for the liberation of their Wallmapu – their traditional territories – and insurgent anarchism in those lands, see Rebels Behind Bars; Between Weichan & Social War.] Today, March 8th [ed. – International Women’s Day], as millions of women fill the streets of large cities around the world, we gather here again in this space of commemoration and struggle. We wish to keep alive the flame that those rebellious women decided to ignite hundreds of years ago and that today comrades continue to embody day-by-day from different trenches.
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