Distinctively Dionysian

New Renzo Novatore et Bruno Filippi translations

From Distinctively Dionysian

There are twelve new Renzo Novatore writings, never before in English, now included in Distinctively Dionysian’s remaining spring ’20 issues. Due to the volume of new translations of both Novatore and Bruno Filippi, we created two 24-page stand-alone issues et one 78 page booklet to be released alongside the Summer issues.

Destroy Passionately!

From Distinctively Dyonysian

...Once again the men of the press and the police have earned the gratitude of that portion of the population that doesn’t yet appreciate the picturesque charm of palaces in ruin, and the strange beauty of fallen buildings. [...] All the better! Because it is edifying to see that if there is a small number of clever exploiters among our enemies, the great mass of them is made up of imbeciles who push the limits of naivete all the way to the horizon.

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