From Anarchistická federace
September 10, 2024

In June, two spaces - one closely associated with anti-authoritarian action, the other connected to it only by a single event (namely the Trhlina infoshop and the Žižkostel community centre) - received explicit threats of arson attack, accompanied by the throwing of objects and messages clearly indicating arsonist intent. The threats were then accompanied by an emailed list of conditions based partly on anti-Ukrainian fabrications, partly on (dogmatic) formulations so general that their fulfilment would mean the end of basically all of the activities of the victims.

This is not the first case of unacceptable practices and intimidation of those who support Ukrainian anti-authoritarians and oppose Putin's invasion. We consider it normal that within the anti-authoritarian movement we disagree on a number of issues and our paths diverge. However, any criticism must be distinguished from aggression, which in the end is not about a real anti-militarist agenda, but about settling personal scores with specific and randomly selected 'enemies'.

Among these unacceptable practices were threats of violence on the website of the so-called Antimilitaristická iniciativa, coupled with public labelling of the opposing side as everything from "the left of capital" to "shitheads" to "snitches and their accomplices" and "traitors", against whom a "strong meassures" must be made and they must be "flushed out", if not killed (e.g. according to the quote, "History is full of examples of how revolutionaries treat snitches and their accomplices.").

Such practices included doxxing the personal names of anti-authoritarian activists on the blog lukasborl.noblogs. This was an unprecedented violation of the safe space that the anti-authoritarian movement strives to be.

It is an asymmetrical conflict, where anti-authoritarian collectives have long tried to "wait it out" and go about their normal activities, while sectarians have continuously escalated the level of aggression. As a result, concerns about the safety of events, spaces and individuals have been targeted by the sectarian campaign, either purposefully or haphazardly, but with a particular viciousness that has been matched perhaps only by the activities of neo-Nazis in recent decades.

Thanks to the aggressors, the repressive forces now have a valuable tool in their hands - first and foremost against the victims. Thus, any further escalation threatens not only real damage to the health and infrastructure that the anti-authoritarian movement is developing, but also a tangible strengthening of the possibilities for state surveillance and repression.
These cultists do not shy away from the indirect use of repressive forces. In an earlier case, they did not hesitate to report an IED at a benefit concert for the Ukrainian Solidarity Collectives. We know from the past that the police can use the reporting of a bomb at a concert to take many unpleasant steps.

The undersign collectives declare that they stand together against cultist aggression and will support each other. They condemn attempts of intimidation and incitement to hatred against all those who do not conform to certain ideological standards, and recognise the right of those under attack to defend themselves. We do not consider those who have committed attacks, threats and doxxing as part of the same movement, we refuse to tolerate them in the space of the anti-authoritarian movement and we do not feel solidarity towards them. By their own actions they have renounced it.

Together against sectarianism and dogmatism in the anti-authoritarian movement!

Kolektiv Anarchistického festivalu knihy
Riot over river
Mad Duck Booking
Anarchistická federace
Alt*prajd Praha
Výbor na obranu revoluce v Rojavě
FNB-Karlovy Vary
Resistance Support Club
Nakladatelství AF
Utopia Libri
Černorudý čtenářský deník

* * *

The fact that the anti-authoritarian movement could not be intimidated by arson threats is evidenced, among other things, by the continued support for anarchists* and anti-fascists* in Ukraine. In this context, we would like to invite you to two fundraising events that will take place in the near future:

The Empire Will Fall, Solidarity Will Prevail

It is important for the anarchist movement to support its friends and comrades on the front lines. The Anarchist Federation is also aware of this and invites you to a benefit concert entitled "Empire Will Fall, Solidarity Will Prevail", which will take place on Friday 13 September at the Prague Eternia. Proceeds from the event will go to Kuba, a friend of ours who left a few months ago to defend Ukraine from a fascist invasion from Russia and just recently needed to buy new equipment.

Riot Over River IX.

Proceeds from the traditional Riot Over River festival, the ninth edition of which will take place as usual in Prague's Holešovice at the Cross club, will be donated, after expenses, to help the Solidarity Collectives network, autonomous collectives in Ukraine that are fighting against Russian fascism and imperialism both on the front and in the home front. The festival will take place on Saturday 5 October and will feature a lots of bands with strong ideals - you can find a list of them and more information HERE.


Tim Declercq (not verified) Thu, 09/12/2024 - 12:00

"threats of violence on the website of the so-called Antimilitaristická iniciativa"

I, for one, haven't seen any threats of violence on the AMI website and no links or quotes for this are being provided here, I seriously doubt this is true.

"Such practices included doxxing the personal names of anti-authoritarian activists on the blog lukasborl.noblogs. This was an unprecedented violation of the safe space that the anti-authoritarian movement strives to be."

The AF is presumably refering to the following post on Lukas' blog: where he mentions sustained aggression against him by a couple of individuals in the local scene. No home addresses, phone numbers, or anything else is being divulged there (compare for example with Dubovik's doxxing of KRAS-MAT activists which did include all those things, more on that in a moment). But perhaps the names of these individuals are well-guarded secrets in the local scene, such that if one of their victims mentions them he must be committing unacceptable doxxing? Well, no. The first one mentioned, Roman Dergam, is openly listed ( as an owner of Utopia Libri, one of the signatories of this text by the AF. The next one, Marek, openly gives interviews as one of the organizers of a punk festival (…).

"We do not consider those who have committed {...} doxxing as part of the same movement, we refuse to tolerate them in the space of the anti-authoritarian movement and we do not feel solidarity towards them."

Here are just a couple of texts on the AF website by Dubovik who, unlike Lukas, actually has committed doxxing. And the texts were published long after this doxxing had come to light.… (and that's not even mentioning the slanders and lies against Greek comrades in the second text).

anon (not verified) Thu, 09/12/2024 - 13:14

In reply to by Tim Declercq (not verified)

When you mention doxxing that Dubovik does, it is immediately obvious that you are somewhat out of touch. Dubovik did not limit himself to mentioning individuals. Having received wide support from the "anti-imperial" militarists and following his comrade, the Nazi Sergei Shevchenko, he called for a flash mob of doxxing and publishing the addresses and personal data of anti-war activists as widely as possible. Then he again published the home address of one of his opponents and stated that he did this in the hope that he would be killed by a Ukrainian drone or someone local.

However, there is nothing new in this. Personally, I have been observing all sorts of threats and attacks made by this crowd for about 15 years. And I see either zero reaction to this from various kinds of "non-sectarians", or even support. Therefore, the current situation does not surprise me.

Tim Declercq (not verified) Thu, 09/12/2024 - 13:39

In reply to by anon (not verified)

I really doubt I am out of touch on that one, as I was the one who presented the hard proof of this which led to the Avtonom website retracting an article on this:… Just because I don't mention every little detail about this in every comment doesn't mean I'm out of touch on it, it just means it's not relevant for the point I'm making.

Just like I didn't go into any more details when I said "and that's not even mentioning the slanders and lies against Greek comrades in the second text" even though I very well could, as I was one of the people who wrote the report of which Dubovik & Shevchenko in that text were claiming "This report contains nothing but pathetic fabrications and utterly stupid lies." So you don't have to tell me about Dubovik & Shevchenko, I have myself been in their crosshairs too.

However I mentioned none of this in my comment to this text by the AF because it's not relevant. All I wanted to prove about this AF text is:
1) Lukas, contrary to their claims, did not in fact doxx anyone.
2) They, contrary to their claims, do provide a platform for *actual* doxxers (with Dubovik used as an example)

anon (not verified) Thu, 09/12/2024 - 14:07

In reply to by Tim Declercq (not verified)

You have the right to believe that the campaign of doxing and threats, which has been going on for many years thanks to, among others, the authors of the article under discussion, has nothing to do with this article. Don't deny yourself anything.

Tim Declercq (not verified) Thu, 09/12/2024 - 14:21

In reply to by anon (not verified)

Sigh... I'm not denying it has nothing to do with it, of course it has a lot to do with it. One could also, for example, mention that it's the very same AF that was involved in sabotaging the anti-war congress in Prague in May in this year, and many many other things. However, again, the only points I was making in my comment were the following:
1) Lukas, contrary to their claims, did not in fact doxx anyone.
2) They, contrary to their claims, do in fact provide a willing platform for actual doxxers.
And I brought up exactly enough things in my comment to serve as proof for those two propositions. That doesn't mean I'm *denying* anything else, just that this was what my comment was serving to prove. And when you want to prove specific propositions it is best to just stick to exactly what is required to prove them instead of going on long-winded semi-tangential explanations. But nobody is stopping you from commenting whatever you want under this article...

Wayne Price (not verified) Thu, 09/12/2024 - 15:30

I am in political agreement with the views on the Ukraine-Russian war stated in the document. However, I am unable to evaluate the charges in the statement of the AF and the counter-charges in the Comments, for lack of further information. Perhaps the Comments could be forwarded to the original writers and a further response requested?

Tim Declercq (not verified) Thu, 09/12/2024 - 15:59

In reply to by Wayne Price (not verified)

Well, here is the latest doxxing of KRAS-MAT members by Dubovik:…

As you can see, Dubovik is publicly providing a home address (of Vadim) and therefor actually doxxing someone, as well as directly calling for him to be killed. This is the very same Dubovik who is provided with a platform on multiple occasions on the website of the AF, as I have demonstrated in my earlier comment. This concludes the proof that the AF does, in fact, provide a platform to actual doxxers. QED as they say.

Lukas, on the other hand, did not divulge any home addresses or similar information in his blogpost, he merely mentioned a couple individuals by name. This, in and of itself, can not be considerd doxxing, especially since these people openly use their names themselves, including as owner of one of the signatories of this text (Utopia Libri) or in media interviews. Other than the possibility that the AF is talking about a different blogpost by Lukas, though I don't see which one that would be, that concludes the proof that Lukas did not, in fact, doxx anyone on his blog. Also QED as they say.

Though I'm of course not against your suggestion for requesting a further response if you so choose, but as far as I see it I made 2 claims and proved both of them.

anon (not verified) Fri, 09/13/2024 - 12:14

In reply to by Tim Declercq (not verified)

I like the work you're doing here. The tricks these crypto-fash thugs are pulling are quite infuriating, and too bad I'm not around, as it's about time they're dealt with properly by whatever real antifascists left in East Europe.

anon (not verified) Thu, 09/12/2024 - 16:17

“anarchists* and anti-fascists* in Ukraine”

I assume it’s a mistake, that something was cut off, but I’m still tickled by how those asterisks are just hanging there with no footnote, like enough said…

anon (not verified) Thu, 09/12/2024 - 16:33

ohhh but maybe like the um like social uh center is like silencing the voices of people who disagree um who disagree *hyuck* with them like um it sounds like actually um they are like they are like the ones like we *hyuck* should be um the ones we should be like denouncing. like um i mean like they uh they probably got doxxed for a-- for a reason

anon (not verified) Fri, 09/13/2024 - 12:33

I'm in the US and have almost no context for any of the drama in the Czech "anti-authoritarian" movement. But the rhetorical argument being made in this text is reminiscent of the "tiqqunist v. nihilist" drama that happened in the US last year, and that makes me immediately disinclined to take the authors at their word. Here are some similarities:

-complaining about threats of arson and violence, though in the US these "threats" were CLEARLY for comedic effect while it sounds like they are serious in this case.
-exaggerated accusations of doxxing. In the US, several individuals and spaces were mentioned by name after some of the people being critiqued complained about how nebulous earlier critiques had been. Thanks Tim for pointing out that it's not doxxing to call out individuals by name when those individuals use those names publicly in connection to their organizing work.
-calling other anarchists "sectarian". I don't know if some of these people are pro-Russia authcoms or something. But pointing out this Lukas person who most recently posted something about Flower Bomb makes me think the label "sectarian" is absurdly being applied to anarchists with anti-civ nihilist affinities, which is exactly what happened im the US.
-complaining about threats to autonomous infrastructure and equating anarchists who oppose your program to the repressive apparatus of the state.

The specific threats of bombings and arson seem different. Did they send a bomb threat directly to the organizers of the concert, or did they involve the police? That would be pretty bad, but from the way that sentence is worded it doesn't sound like anyone actually involved the police, the authors just want people to make that association.

I translated the Lukas post where he supposedly doxxed people. The authors seem to be missing that that post is very explicitly an admission that the poster is experiencing a mental health crisis after feeling that people are being extremely mean to him and ostracizing him. This is actually really similar to where some of the most biting critiques were coming from in the US last year. This is a cry for help.

This AF statement is expressing a intention to double down and basically excommunicate the authors' antimilitarist critics from the movement. If the authors want my advice, it's a huge mistake to treat these people as bad actors no matter how bitter the conflict is. I think they should make every effort to engage in dialogue. The fact that people are making threats and demands instead of simply burning down these spaces suggests that they actually want some kind of dialogue. It may be difficult now to figure out who to talk to if they don't know who exactly is making the threats, but it's worth a try. Shutting down that possibility will only increase the odds that someone will go ahead and actually bomb or burn down a space, which of course is unusual but has been known to happen in Mexico and France. I wouldn't put it past them.

I don't know how the authors are plan to defend themselves, but most anti-authoritarian spaces do not take fire safety very seriously in my experience. It would be a good idea to make sure spaces are "up to code" and not overfill them with people or excessive amounts of combustible materials like furniture and curtains. This would help defend against malicious attacks as well as tragic accidents.

anon (not verified) Sat, 09/14/2024 - 18:09

In reply to by anon (not verified)

"tankie" is a cutesy-wootise, lightweight as hell term for Stalinism, which is not a lightweight phenomena. Stalinism handed the planet to capital during the 20th century, we are living in the ever-more discouraging aftermath of this, and the mass murdering left-wing of capital's counter-revolution is no laughing matter.

anon (not verified) Sat, 09/14/2024 - 18:50

In reply to by anon (not verified)

You are so out of touch with reality. Tankie is not a "cutesy-wootsie" term. It's the de-facto term of actual people outside of you head, fellow anarchist. Turn off you computer and go outside. Nice try.

lumpy (not verified) Sun, 09/15/2024 - 10:11

In reply to by anon (not verified)

something pretty weird has happened in someone's terminally online brain if they experience the word "tankie" with like ... an UwU vibe. the kids aren't alright...

anon (not verified) Sun, 09/15/2024 - 11:08

In reply to by lumpy (not verified)

IDK, brah. You're the one that said, '"tankie" is a cutesy-wootise UwU' not the other anon. Seems like you're the, like, terminally online brain kid. Might want to look in the mirror, brah.

anon (not verified) Sun, 09/15/2024 - 11:12

In reply to by anon (not verified)

In all my scathing replying I didn't realize it was you, lumpy and not the "cutesy-wootsie" brah. My comment, with obvious edits, was directed toward them and not you whomst obviously understands that tankie is the parlance of we worldly anarchists. Deepest apologies. Your brain and reflection are spot on.

anon (not verified) Fri, 09/20/2024 - 13:55

In reply to by f (not verified)

Is dignity and self-respect a moral requirement for when operating as statist agents? I think not. All the punches allowed as long as you don't go against your nation-state's imperatives.

Greetings, our organization (the Czechoslovak Anarchist Association) has issued the following statement. We only add that Czech anarchist antimilitarists are being vilified, silenced and banned from various events by the AFed (and their liberal friends). The only correct opinion is when "anarchists" kiss the Ukrainian flag. Shame on them! The marginal Czech anarchist movement will face a split and further decline thanks to the Afed individuals.

Translated with (free version)

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