I recently organized an online panel at the Boston Anarchist Bookfair on November 14th (2021), which was recorded and uploaded to Youtube. My own talk, which begins around 41:20, is titled “‘We’re Pro-Choice and We Riot’: Anarcha-Feminism in Love and Rage (1989-98).” It is based on research and interviews that I have been conducting for my dissertation on North American anarchism in the late 20th century.
Recovering Fredy Perlman’s Anarchist Social Theory
by thecollective
Nov 17, 2022
Streamed live on Nov 8, 2022
08/11/2022 - 14h30 – 1º Virtual Panel: Recovering Fredy Perlman’s anarchist social theory, with Uri Gordon
Part of the 3rd International Congress on Anarchist Research. The presentation is in English, the questions and answers section is also translated to Portuguese.