The Berkeley Anarchist Study Group will present the 2023 BASTARD Conference on Saturday, November 11th from 12-9pm at the Omni Commons (4799 Shattuck Ave in Oakland). BASTARD is an annual gathering of presentations and conversations about anarchy. It functions as a setting for participants in the study group along with friends and accomplices to share their reflections on the beautiful idea. It also serves as a place for anarchists to encounter each other amidst the ruins, with a view towards new friendships and endeavors.

Our 2023 theme is “The Hydra”. Two heads for every one severed, the golden sword of wisdom, poisonous atrabile, apparent defeat… What do this myth and its resonances have to say for anarchists? Come find out!


The Berkeley Anarchist Study Group will host the 2022 BASTARD Conference on Saturday, November 19 from 11am - 7pm at The Long Haul Infoshop in Berkeley, CA. BASTARD is an annual gathering of informal, autodidactic conversations and presentations about anarchy. It functions as a forum for participants in the study group as well as guests from around the world to share their interests and pursuits. This year we celebrate 20 years of the BASTARD Conference, and over 30 of the study group which has been its launching point.

BASTARD Conference 2021

The Berkeley Anarchist Study Group will hold the 2021 BASTARD Conference at 12pm on Saturday, November 13, at The Long Haul Infoshop in Berkeley, CA. BASTARD is an annual gathering of informal, autodidactic conversations and presentations about anarchy. It functions as a forum for participants in the study group as well as guests from around the world to share their interests and pursuits. We took the year off in 2020 for obvious reasons, but we’re back this year for an afternoon of discussions around the theme of Excess.

Jason McQuinn's egoist essays on Immediatism Podcast

The outstanding essay, "Clarifying the Unique and Its Self-Creation: An Introduction to Stirner's Critics and The Philosophical Reactionaries," is now available in podcast form. Jason McQuinn is an egoist and post-left anarchist critical theorist, known for his writings on critical self-theory, which have been spotlighted previously in Immediatism episodes 17 and 95. For even more Jason McQuinn essays, see The Anarchist Library.

Immediatism 95 Not Utopia: Critical Self-Theory in Practice

From Immediatism

This was a workshop talk given by Jason at the 2015 annual BASTARD Conference, a conference of anarchist theory, and is written up in The BASTARD Chronicles 2015: Utopia & Other Science Fictions, available from

BASTARD Conference 2019

For nearly twenty years participants in the Berkeley Anarchist Study Group have been organizing the BASTARD Conference: afternoons of presentations & conversations about the beautiful idea of anarchy. This year our presenters are:

- Wolfi Landstreicher (Apio Ludd)
- Big Katt
- Jason McQuinn
- Nev Ferox
- John Henri Nolette

Saturday December 7th
The Long Haul
3124 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley
Free, though donations for The Long Haul are GREATLY appreciated

What's new with LBC - Winter 2019

From Little Black Cart

Welcome to the quarterly newsletter of Little Black Cart. (It is a little late this quarter because we were waiting on an external printer who was rather late with some bad news.) We distribute anarchist anti-political books, pamphlets, and newspapers. This quarter we have a new book that we are rather proud of (it was put together by Aragorn!), and the annual BASTARD conference journal.

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